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Summer is almost here...

That's right! Summer is right around the corner. Kids are finishing up school and teacher's are ready to kick their shoes off. As we prepare for the summer weather, fun, and exciting places we may see, let us not forget to be in the Lord's House. Many of us can get caught up in the joy of having time off and going on some wonderful adventure; however, the one who gave us the opportunity to do this should be recognized daily in our lives as well as on Sunday. I know, stopping to find a church while on vacation is never an easy task, but believe me when I say it is well worth it. You will find your vacation time even more blessed by taking that extra hour to thank God for what He has given you.

So, with that being said, Calvary has a few things coming up this summer that we want you to be a part of. First off, we will be starting our Mission's Night the first Wednesday of each month at 7pm. This will be an exciting time where we will split into groups and get started on how we can each serve in our local community. I pray you will come and be a part of this awesome time together!

Out next business meeting, which is Wednesday, June 14th, we will be having fresh cold watermelon down at the covered shelter. Please plan to come and have some cool watermelon along with a cool fellowship time!

Another event we have planned is our Vacation Bible School. This is set to kick-off Monday, July 24th and go through Thursday, July 27th; ending with a Family Night and meal. This year's theme is "Mighty Fortress," which will be for all ages. More information about the time will be posted as we get closer to the date.

I pray that your week is blessed and that you have the joy of the Lord in your heart every morning!

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