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So many beautiful blessings God has shown us here at Calvary. Coming to the altar on our knees in prayer has been our food. Finding those moments when God shows us a glimpse of His all-knowing, all-loving, all-understanding grace is found at the foot of the cross.

Reminded of our busyness and yet our running away and trying to hide; like Jonah, can be tiring and overwhelming all at once. May we seek the peace of David, the contentment of Daniel, and the courage of Paul as week seek the face of Christ in our lives.

The blessings God is showing us:

We have had many of our children come to ask Jesus into their hearts and show a public profession of their faith in the past few months. As we give God all the glory..He says "Come."

Our small groups start up again with a dinner; served by our youth on Friday, May 4th at 6pm; followed by the showing of "War Room" at 7pm and then a youth lock-in. The small group portion will begin that following Sunday, May 6th at 6pm. All are welcome.

We will be having a paint party June 2nd from 1pm-4pm for girls/ladies. No experience necessary but you will come away with a new understanding of painting, fellowship, and a time to de-stress. See our upcoming events page for more information on how to register.

VBS 2018 - Jungle River Adventure is coming the week of August 6th. All ages are welcome and encouraged to come and have an awesome ride on the Jungle River that leads to the greatest adventure of all time - getting to know our Lord Jesus Christ! Look for more information on our VBS page.

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