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God is in control...

How do we achieve God's peace? How, in a world full of so many evil things can we truly find that deep inner joy in our hearts when there is so much sadness going on around us?

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except by Me" (John 14:6). Jesus tells us plainly that we need to know God. We come to know God through our acceptance of Christ as Lord and Savior. Once we have accepted Christ into our heart's, we have access to God's power, wisdom, and presence. That means we are secure in God's protection, regardless of the turmoil of our world.

Isaiah 26:3 reads, "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you." Many Christians do not have peace in their lives simply because they have not asked for it. Perfect peace comes from trusting in God.

When we let our roots of faith constantly go deeper in God and in His word, we become deeply anchored and we can be undisturbed by the "surface storms" of life.

Lastly, we need to claim the promises of God's word when the troubled world around us threatens to disturb our peace. Those promises, just waiting to be claimed, remind us that God has not failed to fulfill His promises. The Holy Spirit, through whom men were moved to write God's Word, will guide you to the promises which you need and which you can claim. These promises will give you peace when the world's storms threaten you. Do you have God's peace? Read Matthew 8:23-27.

(LifeWay, 2002)

We had a great turn-out for first mission's night this last Wednesday. We split into different groups and began coming up with ideas of how we can reach our community. If you know of a community need, please let us know. We are excited to get started!

We pray you have a blessed week!

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